Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friday Favorite

We are in a totally different situation financially than we were about a year ago because we decided to get "gazelle-intense" with our finances. Anyone who has heard Dave Ramsey speak or read any of his stuff will know what that means. That is why I'm choosing to highlight Dave Ramsey on this Friday. He's my new BFF! It's logical, common sense, ideas that we've heard a hundred times, but somehow when you hear it from him it all comes together. Besides, his way of speaking is totally motivational. You can click here if you want to buy some of his products, but if you are in debt like we were, (note the past tense--yeah!) you can save your pennies and just get a few books on CD from your local library. I highly encourage you to if you are in any debt or financial strain at all. I know we will continue to use his methods as we work towards a goal of saving for our future and for the future of our children.

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